Sunday, May 4, 2008


I feel like I should introduce myself and yet the only one who will read this already knows who I am.

Regardless, to no one in particular [or rather, to the entire internets] I proclaim: I am Christian Shane Pollard, hear me rant and scavenge my brain for the smallest scraps of something interesting to say.

Honestly, I don't know what to write here. I currently live in the sparsely populated New Orleans East, and six days out of seven nothing of interest happens in my life. I head back to USM on May 22nd, so I imagine things of much interest shall take place starting then, and subsequently my posts will be more frequent and shall contain words of interest as opposed to the post I am transcribing now, which is dragging along quite pathetically.

I tend to get longwinded.

Anyways I hope this, while nothing compared to Slagathor's rants, spares me from her wrath. [Spare the rod, spoil the child? Why did that come to mind? ...'the rod' sounds pretty kinky...] I wrote, betch. SHUN ME NOT. 

"Leave the ram!"

1 comment:

Aero Punch said...

That's right you post, bitch. I've been waiting and waiting for a post. I vowed not to post again until you did. Thank you much. :D